Showing 25–36 of 122 results
delicate crane flowers | dried plants phone case rose
€28,00 -
delicate piece of nature | pressed flower phone case
€28,00 -
dense baby’s breath | pressed flowers phone case
€28,00 -
dense grass I pressed flower phone case
€28,00 -
early spring | minimalist phone case with real flowers
€28,00 -
elegant geometry | smartphone cover with real flowers
€28,00 -
exotic jungle | handmade phone case
€28,00 -
explosion of colors | pressed flowers phone case
€28,00 -
fancy flowers | botanical case with real flowers
€28,00 -
fancy honeycomb | elegant phone case with golden extras
€28,00 -
field wind | handmade real flowers case design
€28,00 -
finezyjny plaster miodu | etui z prawdziwymi roślinami