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knowledge base

Is the phone case that I order going to be identical like the one on the picture?

Each and every plant is different – bigger or smaller petals, more or less intense colours, the stems dried in one side or in the opposite direction – all of these features enable me to create an unrepeatable composition every single time. Depending on the particular plant availability it may happen that I will replace one plant with a similar one. However, I try to faithfully duplicate the selected pattern. 

How should I take care of the phone case, so that it serves me well for as long as possible?

The plants located at the back of the phone cover are preserved with a few layers of resin, so that they can please your eye for many months. The case is slightly elastic, yet I would still recommend not to take it off and then put it back on too often, in order not to make the case prone to bend. When it comes to the plants – please try to avoid intense exposure of the product to the sun, so that the flowers don’t lose their colour.

Aren’t the plants going to lose their colour after some time?

The pressed flowers that are covered with resin are permanently preserved, yet a few kinds of plants which I use might slightly fade as the time goes by. Nevertheless, the vast majority of the plants that we collect and use to decorate the cases keep its beautiful colour for many, many months. 

My phone model is not on the list, can I still order the phone case?

If your phone model does not belong to the most popular ones, contact us in a private message and ask if the desired type is available. 
Nokia and other models – please write us a message in order to check the product availability before you place your orders. All inquiries should be directed to the email address. 

If you have one of the below listed models:

  • iPhone
  • Samsung Galaxy S
  • Samsung Note
  • Samsung Galaxy A
  • Samsung Galaxy J
  • Huawei P
  • Huawei Honor
  • Huawei Mate
  • Sony Xperia
  • Xiaomi Mi
  • Xiaomi Redmi from the year 2016 or newer, you can go for it and order without asking. 

I have my own idea for the composition, do you realize customized orders?

It’s always a pleasure for me to follow my customers’ creativity – it’s said that imaginations has no limits, yet everyone has their own concepts. Your ideas let me discover new combinations and go outside of the scheme. In order to purchase the phone case that will be adjusted to your own vision, please visit our shop and select the subcategory called “Special orders” – this is where you have the possibility to buy the product that will be fitted especially for you and your aesthetic needs.